Monday, November 15, 2010

Things that piss me off....

#1: Politics

If you know me well, you know that I HATE politics...I hate talking about them, I hate HEARING about them. If you are one of those people who where on the debate team in high school, please don't talk to me about politics...ANYTHING put politics...This is how I look at politics....

"Politics is made up of two words: poli, which is the Latin word for many, and ticks, which are blood sucking leeches..." Peanut in Jeff Dunham's "Arguing With Myself".

#2: Movies

Why do I say movies? To put it simply, because most of today's movies are either pointless or so obscene that I can't put up with it...Their are exceptions, but they are few and far between...
And some movies that look good in the previews are most of the time either not what I was expecting at all and sucked, or the content pisses me off so much that I have to leave.

#3: Wanna-be-gangsters

Now these guys....Oh.....They listen to rap and all of a sudden they think they're some kind of badass that can whatever the heck they feel like doing because they listen to other people do it! Whoever says music isn't influential should be smacked in the back of the head like DiNozzo on NCIS...Don't tell me music isn't influential, because I see it everyday. Kids nowadays are out smoking pot, drinking and going to parties with no parental supervision to be seen, and its all because of MUSIC and PER-PRESSURE. For all you parents out their, I would like to challenge you: check into your kids if they listen to Rap or Hip-Hop. Check their rooms when they are away, because their is a good change that they are hiding some kind of drug paraphernalia from you.

#4:Video Games of today's time

Now this one is easy to say because, being a gamer nerd, I've play a lot of good games and A LOT of BAD games. I grew up playing games like Super Mario and Legend of Zelda, back when games where GOOD. Now a lot of games that kids are playing today and, here's the kicker, their parents DON'T CARE are games that are either very violent, splattered with sexual themes, foul language and the like...Now what really pisses me off about this is something I've already mentioned, and that's the fact that some parents just don't care.

*deep breath*

HOW!?!?!?!? How can you sit there and watch your kids play a game that's rated "M" for MATURE!!!!!! and not do anything about it!? It's people like them who really get under my skin and just flat piss me off...Shame on you if you are one of those parents that allow that to happen! And don't try to tell me "that it's not going to effect them"....You know what I have to say to that?

Excuse my language but that's a load of bullshit! I would NEVER....NEVER Let my kids play those games until they where old enough.....

#5: High school students

Being out of high school for only a year, I know how hard H.S. can be. What really ticks me off though are some of the students in high school, mainly the younger ones. Now I went to a secondary school when I was in high school. For those of you that don't know a secondary school is grades 7-12. And I gotta tell ya, some of them younger kids thought they were all that and a bag of chips. Not so much the older ones aside from a few exceptions. "Stupid is as stupid does" I say to people who act like jerks their whole lives. But man! Some of the kids I had to deal with for my Library class were absolute A-holes!

#6: People on the road

Some drivers I have to wonder how they passes their drivers test and why their behind the wheel in the first place. Rude and idiotic come to mind for words to describe them. If your that pissed at me because I turned into your lane while I was signally properly and you are too distracted with your cell phone or radio to see me and you get mad, get off the road...

That's all I can really think about for right now. If I think of anything else, expect another post.

As always, I'm your host Wattako.